Graphic Design Portfolio
Graphic Design Portfolio of Steve Patterson, Graphic Designer.
Some of these are from freelance, but others may be from previous work experience in graphic design. There are some from when I was in high school and college.
Graphic Design Portfolio

Most of my experience is in advertisement design. I do have some experience designing business cards and flyers.
I help on social media for Courageous Christian Father and SteveZ MaskZ.
I also have helped in the past on these social media accounts 2 Cats and a Blog, Piedmont Baptist Church and The Smoky Mountain Trader.
Professional Design:
- Printing Company (May 2021 to Present)
- Stevez Designz (My Own Freelance Work – 1995 to Present)
- The Smoky Mountain Trader (November 2013 – May 2021)
- Sign Resources (July 2013 – November 2013)
- Farragut Press (April 2007 – August 2010)
- The Knoxville Journal (October 2003 – April 2007)
Infosite Survey Group (May 2002 – October 2003)- Star Publications (August 2000 – March 2002)
Educational Design:
- Pellissippi State (August 1995 to May 2000) *Associates of Applied Science in Communications Graphic Technology
- Fulton High School (August 1992 to May 1995) *Sophmore to Senior in High School in Graphic Arts Vocation
I help maintain these websites using either WordPress or Mobirise.
Software, Programs & Apps:
- Adobe Acrobat
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Spark
- Buffer
- Etsy
- Google AdSence
- Google Analytical
- Google My Business
- Hootsuite
- MetroCreative
- Mac OS
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Word
- Mobirise
- Quark Xpress
- Smart Post
- SunType Classifieds
- Windows OS
- WooCommerce
- WordPress
Social Media:
Please be patient, this may take awhile to load. I have samples below, from the various places I have worked.
Samples from Printing Company
(May 2021 to Present)
Samples coming soon
Samples from The Smoky Mountain Trader:
(November 2013 – May 2021)

Samples from Stevez Designz:
(My Own Freelance Work – 1995 to Present) A lot are from some printables or other things for this blog.

Samples from Farragut Press:
(April 2007 – August 2010)

Samples from The Knoxville Journal:
(October 2003 – April 2007)

Samples from Other Places
This can include: Star Publications, Infosite Survey Group, Sign Resources, Etc. (2000 to Present) It could also include things from High School and College. So much older stuff, mostly.

If you have any more questions about my Graphic Design Portfolio and or would like to hire me to do graphic design work for you, then please free to contact me.
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