SteveZ DesignZ

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Adobe InDesign Graphic Design

QR Code Data Merge in Adobe InDesign

QR Code Data Merge in Adobe InDesign you can import QR codes with Data Merge into Adobe InDesign. #InDesign #QRCodes #DataMerge

QR Code Data Merge in Adobe InDesign

This feature helps with importing QR codes within data merge variable data.

QR Code Data Merge in Adobe InDesign you can import QR codes with Data Merge into Adobe InDesign. #InDesign #QRCodes #DataMerge

This is a New to me feature. I found it when I needed to import 653 QR codes into a project.

Create your CSV but where the QR code is the header needs to start with the “#” I did #QRQR.

Create your CSV but where the QR code is the header needs to start with the “#” I did #QRQR. ​

I was lucky, mine was just text, so in the data cells, it just needs that text. My QR code needed to be the text with the part number as the text.

However, If you need email, links, text messages etc, it requires more info in the cell. Creative Pro explains that more!

To apply the QR, make a graphic box where you want the QR Code located. Then on the data merge palette, click on the one that corresponds to your QR code. Once you do that, that box turns cyan color linking the QR info in your CSV file. (See graphic above).

When you have your text and other sections needing variable data Is done, just simply click the merge variable Data to create and then tweak what needs done.

Did you know there is a QR Code Generator Built into Adobe InDesign?

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Steve is graphic designer who works at a print shop. He has been in graphic design since high school and continued on to get an Associates of Applied Science degree in graphic design too. He has since worked mostly in advertising design for various newspapers and shoppers. He has also worked for a couple sign companies. He currently works at a print shop. Steve has over 30 lifetime years of graphic design.
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