Remove background in Adobe Photoshop Using Quick Action – real simple and fast! #Photoshop
Remove background in Adobe Photoshop Using Quick Action
I wished I knew this sooner! This is very simple to do and quick too!

No need to add or pay for a plug-in or manually remove background, now you can do it basically with a click of a button!
Quick Action Steps
- With your image open in Adobe Photoshop, right click your Background layer and click Duplicate Layer. In the dialog box that pops up, name your layer (calling it whatever you like) and click OK. Click the eye icon to the left of the original layer to turn that layer off.
- Make sure your Properties panel is open by going to Window > Properties. (If it was already checked, there’s no need to click it; if it isn’t checked, click it to open it up on the right-hand side by default.)
- In your Layers panel, click your new layer. In the Properties panel (by default this should be above your Layers panel), click the Remove Background button under Quick Action.
- The quick action has now removed the background, leaving your layer with a mask around the subject.
You may have to do a little adjusting.
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